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Inter Club Triples Competition


5 venues

40 teams

120 players

Disability Bowls England’s first Inter Club Triples has been hailed “A great success”.

The event held at 5 different venues on the same day brought together a huge number of players with disability and has helped clubs appreciate that they have players who may need a little assistance but fully able to compete and be inclusive in a club environment.

Such was the enthusiasm that teams around the country have shown interest in forming leagues to regularly compete with and against players with a disability.

Results at each venue:

Mid Devon IBC:
Gold Medal Honiton IBC: Marian Baxter, Les Crook & Kevin Vernon
Silver Medal Plymouth Life Centre: Steve Hartley, Rowland Crowe & Winston Healey

Mid Devon winners & runners up
Mid Devon teams

Presented by Club Chairman: Brain Wood
Venue organiser: DBE Development Officer for the South, Mo Monkton

Loddon Vale IBC:
Gold Medal North Wilts IBC: Khalila Hussain, Gill Maw & Sue Simmons
Silver Medal Swindon Manor IBC: Jeanette Maisey, Pam Turner & Jean Hamer
Photos by Stephen Dean

Loddon Vale Winners
Loddon Vale Silver Medalists

Presented by Level 2 Coach: Ian Riach
Venue organisers: Nigel Morgan & Ian Riach

Ashford IBC:
Gold Medal Preston IBC: Bob Henstridge, Cliff Ainsworth & Steve Ireland
Silver Medal Ashford IBC: Georgia Tucker, Robin Collick & Paul Stoner-Lewis

Ashford winners Preston IBC
Ashford runners up Ashford IBC
Ashford competitors

Presented by Club President: Cheryll Palmer
Venue organisers: Jackie Vaughan & DBE Ambassador, Shirley Clark

Desborough IBC:
Gold Medal Kettering Lodge IBC: Chris Gray, Adam Lewis & Kieran Rollings
Silver Medal Wellingborough IBC: John Greaves, Pamela Chandler & Peter Chandler

Keiran Rollings, Chris Gray and Adam Lewis

Pamela Chandler, John Greaves and Peter Chandler

Presented by Umpire Jill Nutt
Venue organiser: DBE Ambassador, Sue White

York & Dist. IBC:
Gold Medal Hornsea IBC: Steve Payne, Doreen Padgett & Colin Garner
Silver Medal Leeds IBC: Kevin Page, Keith Collins & Gareth Harwood

Winners Hornsea IBC
Group finalists

Presented by Lee Smith
Venue organiser: DBE Development Officer for the North Region, Lee Smith (DBE)

DBE would like to thank all five clubs hosting this event for their help and support.


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