Play Bowls Activator Module
Working with Disabled People in Bowls Module
Friday 14th October. Book Online:
We have organised the above two courses in Nottingham, both of which are 4 hour courses and are suitable for existing bowlers and those new to the sport. Detailed below are further details on each course along with how to book.
If you would like any more information please drop me an email or you can contact the Bowls Development Alliance directly:
For more information or to book a place on this course please contact:
Bowls Development Alliance on 01664 777001 or or
You can now book online by visiting or by clicking here
Alternatively a printable application form is attached.
Play Bowls Activator Module
Richard Herrod Centre, Gedling Nottingham, NG4 1RL
9am to 1pm on Friday 14th October
The purpose of this 4 hour Play Bowls Activator Module (formally Play Bowls Introductory Module) is to equip both new and existing coaches and volunteers with some basic knowledge, information and skills to offer a fun, informal and relaxed introduction to the sport of Bowls. A new bowler’s first impression of the sport is often the difference between them taking up membership of the club or not.
This course will provide you with:
• Skills to welcome any new bowler into your club
• Confidence to organise an entertaining, relaxed and an enjoyable introductory session
• Ability to create a positive lasting impression
The cost of the course is just £35
Working with Disabled People in Bowls Module
Richard Herrod Centre, Gedling, Nottingham, NG4 1RL
1:30 to 5:30pm on Friday 14th October
This 4 hour module includes both practical and theory aspects to working with bowlers who may have a disability.
The theory elements of the workshop look predominantly at inclusive coaching regardless of the disability of the individual and covers the basics of working with a variety of different types of disability.
By the end of the workshop coaches and club volunteers will be able to:
Reflect on past experiences and recognise and share best practice
Make appropriate modifications, adaptations and progressions to a planned session to include all participants
Explore the participant pathway for disabled participants within bowls
The workshop focuses on looking at WHY people with a disability play bowls; WHAT our coaching should look like; WHAT makes an inclusive coach; HOW to adapt and personalise our coaching sessions; HOW to communicate effectively.
Using real case studies from bowlers with various disabilities and impairments including social bowlers, club members and even Commonwealth Games medalists.
The cost of the course is just £35
Best regards
Matt Bloor | NGB Projects Officer | Sport Nottinghamshire | Tel. 077 66 75 73 72