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DBE Inter Region Indoor Challenge

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DBE held the Top Inter Region Tournament Maggy Smith playing for the ‘Margaret Smith Shield’ on 6th April at Gedling IBC, Nottingham.  The teams comprised:-

Gary Swift (Captain), Steve Angus, Tim Swann, Alastair Domville, Helen Wood & Andrew Bayton.

Steve Ireland (Captain), Jonathan Stokes, Dave Fisher, Ray Cross, Mick Belcher & Craig Bowler.

Kieran Rollings (Captain), Colin Milner, Dylan  Morton, Ryhs Taylor, Chris Gray & Mark Cooper.

Khalila Hussain (Captain), Joe Peplow, Keith Haggerwood, Val Groom, Harry Atkin & Colin Wagstaff

It was a good tournament with many very close results but Team  East played brilliantly winning all of their matches and finishing with a total score of 15 points.

Team South came second with 7 points, North with 4 points and West with 2.

The format was 2 rinks of triples from each region, playing each of the other regions.  2 points for a win 1 for a draw , bonus points awarded to teams winning on both of their rinks in a session.

A buffet was provided for players, helpers and supporters, following the presentation of trophies.


Tournament Gallery:  Top Region

Inter Club Triples Competition


5 venues

40 teams

120 players

Disability Bowls England’s first Inter Club Triples has been hailed “A great success”.

The event held at 5 different venues on the same day brought together a huge number of players with disability and has helped clubs appreciate that they have players who may need a little assistance but fully able to compete and be inclusive in a club environment.

Such was the enthusiasm that teams around the country have shown interest in forming leagues to regularly compete with and against players with a disability.

Results at each venue:

Mid Devon IBC:
Gold Medal Honiton IBC: Marian Baxter, Les Crook & Kevin Vernon
Silver Medal Plymouth Life Centre: Steve Hartley, Rowland Crowe & Winston Healey

Mid Devon winners & runners up
Mid Devon teams

Presented by Club Chairman: Brain Wood
Venue organiser: DBE Development Officer for the South, Mo Monkton

Loddon Vale IBC:
Gold Medal North Wilts IBC: Khalila Hussain, Gill Maw & Sue Simmons
Silver Medal Swindon Manor IBC: Jeanette Maisey, Pam Turner & Jean Hamer
Photos by Stephen Dean

Loddon Vale Winners
Loddon Vale Silver Medalists

Presented by Level 2 Coach: Ian Riach
Venue organisers: Nigel Morgan & Ian Riach

Ashford IBC:
Gold Medal Preston IBC: Bob Henstridge, Cliff Ainsworth & Steve Ireland
Silver Medal Ashford IBC: Georgia Tucker, Robin Collick & Paul Stoner-Lewis

Ashford winners Preston IBC
Ashford runners up Ashford IBC
Ashford competitors

Presented by Club President: Cheryll Palmer
Venue organisers: Jackie Vaughan & DBE Ambassador, Shirley Clark

Desborough IBC:
Gold Medal Kettering Lodge IBC: Chris Gray, Adam Lewis & Kieran Rollings
Silver Medal Wellingborough IBC: John Greaves, Pamela Chandler & Peter Chandler

Keiran Rollings, Chris Gray and Adam Lewis

Pamela Chandler, John Greaves and Peter Chandler

Presented by Umpire Jill Nutt
Venue organiser: DBE Ambassador, Sue White

York & Dist. IBC:
Gold Medal Hornsea IBC: Steve Payne, Doreen Padgett & Colin Garner
Silver Medal Leeds IBC: Kevin Page, Keith Collins & Gareth Harwood

Winners Hornsea IBC
Group finalists

Presented by Lee Smith
Venue organiser: DBE Development Officer for the North Region, Lee Smith (DBE)

DBE would like to thank all five clubs hosting this event for their help and support.


Learning Disabilities Indoor Bowls International Series

Learning Disabilities Indoor Bowls International Series

On the 5th and 6th of June 2019 Falkirk Indoor Bowls Club will host the inaugural Learning Disabilities Indoor Bowls International Series.  The countries involved are England, Scotland and Wales.  Teams of 12 mixed gender bowlers will compete to lift the Munro cup.  Each team will be divided into four groups of three playing singles and pairs and then joining together to play triples.  The England team are very excited at being given the opportunity to represent their country.  They are Chris Gray, Daniel Adams, Harry Atkin, Amy Brooks, Gemma Broadhead, Barry Nicholson, Steven Nicholson, Andrew Bayston (all DBE) and Lucas Manousios, Rhys Milton, Dougal Watson and Carlos Hazell.

Pro-Am Gala Desborough Indoor Bowling Club

Pro-Am Gala Desborough Indoor Bowling Club

The first “Pro-Am” Gala took place at Desborough Indoor Bowling Club on Sunday 17th March amongst its disability members.  Partners were drawn randomly on the day and each pair played two games of 1-hour duration with an hour rest between.  The cup had been donated by the family of Dave Cotterill, and was presented to the eventual winners, who were Martin Cornwell and Andy Purcell, by Dave’s daughter, Louise.  The day went well, with green fees being covered via a donation.  Desborough’s President, Mr John Westwood opened proceedings Helpers were on the green to assist with directing play and measuring.  Also, assistance with wheelchairs.  At the end of the day proceedings were closed by Desborough’s lady President, Dawn Owen.  Sue White thanked everyone who played, the helpers, the kitchen and bar staff who remained open all day, the score-keepers, Carol Coe and Graham Carley for making it such a successful event.

Para Bowls Home Nations Championship 2019

Para Bowls Home Nations Championships 2019

Hosted by, the 8 rink, Glasgow Indoor Bowls Club from 22nd to 24th March, this years Para Bowls Home Nations Championships was opened by a plethora of dignitaries including World Singles Champion Stuart Anderson. Included in the ceremony was the presentation of England caps to new international bowlers – Darren Moon, Craig Bowler, Mark Cooper and VI Director Doreen Metcalf.

Scotland and Wales were the first to battle for honours resulting in Scotland winning 5 of the 6 matches and leading the group 10-2 on points. England had to wait until the evening before they commenced their retention of their title against Wales.

England triples squad of Craig Bowler, Bob Love and skip Helen Wood lead the way with a 22-7 victory.  Triples team Mark Cooper, Keiran Rollings and Mike Robertson struggled in the early exchanges with their Welsh opposition, their skip couldn’t fail with any shot he played and by half way they lead 9-2. Mistakes entered their game and Mikes team gained confidence slowly overtaking them to win 16-12.  VI singles bowlers AlisonYearling and Sarah Marshall lead all the way in tough games before winning 20-15 and 21-14. New VI cap Darren started very strongly dominating his singles until the latter stages when, with 20 minutes left and Darren leading 20-12, his Welsh opponent staged a come back, he kept fighting right up to the bell, Darren survived the late onslaught to win 20-19. England ended the evening winning 5 of 6 games and tied on points with Scotland.

Scotland and England clashed for the first time early Saturday morning. All six matches were very competitively fought, no one wanting to give an inch. After 75 minutes both teams had won 3 matches each and Scotland had a shots advantage of +2 for the session. Scotland and England were tied on points but England trailed by 19 shots.

Wales and England met after Saturday lunch and England really turned the screw. Bob Love lead the rout, whitewashing their No. 1 singles player. Keiran dominated the Welsh No.2 winning 21-3. VI pair Sarah and Alison easily won 18-11, pairs Mike & Mark and Helen & Craig easily took their games 19-6 and 17-8. So 5 matches out 5. The last to finish was Ron Hamer and Darren Moon, they had a titanic battle against their Welsh VI opponents – the bell had rung with the game score 9-9, Ron had the last wood and no one could decide which team held shot. What should Ron do? He decided to draw on his forehand and pulled it wide. The Umpire was called, she measured, not once, not twice but 3 times then gave the shot to England. A session game white wash by England and with a +69 shot difference. England lead the table on 28 points and reversed the shot difference to +50.

Scotland entertained Wales in the evening knowing they needed a big win to keep in touch with England. Wales were not giving up, old rivalries prevailed. Scotland took the session 4 games to 2 and +27 shots. Scotland were under severe pressure needing to beat England 4-2 and to record a high shots advantage.

Sunday morning brought the two adversaries to the final session. Battled commenced at 10 and our Captain and Mr Reliable, Bob Love, lead the way winning the first singles 21-5. Keiran took an early lead in his singles but, Scotland’s Michael Simpson pushed hard and narrowed the gap to 4 points, the standard of bowls was fantastic from both players, Keiran held out winning 21-15. England need one more win to make sure of the title. Scotland won their first and second game, 2 games each now with two to finish. Helen Wood and Craig Bowler were battling against Garry Brown and George Guthrie, Craig was outwitting George and Helen was playing a brilliant skips role out skipping Garry end after end, bringing the match and Championship to England 15-7. Scotland and England tied the session 3-3.

Scotland finished the tournament on 30 points, Wales 8 and England won the Championship with 34.

Enland Team Manager Mo Monkton and Captain Bob Love were presented with their trophy by Caroline Brown, SIBA Ladies Singles Champion

A fantastic Championship, very well hosted by the Scottish IBA and Glasgow Indoor Bowls Club. A huge THANK YOU goes to all the organisers, helpers, supporters, England team management and of course the team for creating such a brilliant event.

Photo story:  Para Bowl Home Nations

National Classified Singles Championship 2019 Report

Disabity Bowl England Logo

National Classified Singles Championship 2019

The weekend of Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd March featured our National Classified Singles Championship 2019 at Gedling Indoor Bowls Club, Nottingham.  28 bowlers travelled from the four corners of the Nation to compete in our most prestigious event.

Each bowler competed against others from the same Classification, B6, B7 & B8.  The groups were as follows:-


  • Ray Smith
  • Mark Cooper
  • Steve Bigg
  • Craig Bowler
  • Joe Peplow
  • Paul Brown
B7 – Grp 1
  • Bob Love
  • Steven Smith
  • Alex Comack
  • Ray Cross
  • Steve Angus
  • Alastair Domville

B7 – Grp 2

  • Steve Ireland
  • Colin Milner
  • Tim Swann
  • Andrew Buyton#
  • Jonathan Stokes
B8 – Grp 1

  • Mike Robertson
  • Anthony Page
  • Gary Swift
  • Dylan Morton

B8 – Grp 2

  • Kieran Rollings
  • John Rogers
  • Dave Fisher
  • David Stearn

Competition was tough and at the end of the first day Paul Brown lead the B6’s, Bob Love – B7/1, Steve Ireland and Jonathan Stokes were level in B7/2, Dylan Morton – B8/1 and Kieran Rolling lead B8/2.

The battle for these fantastic trophies continued early Sunday morning and the standard of bowls just got better and better as the day progressed.  Our markers and umpires were continually called upon to measure.  The standard of drawing was excellent complimented by the occasional firing shot.

By early afternoon the B7 and B8 Group winners had been decided and they progressed to the final.  Due to numbers, B6 entrants played on a round robin basis and the winner being made the Champion.  At the start of the finals, B6 group matches continued with Paul Brown leading the group on 8 points and he was playing his last game against Ray Smith, Steve Bigg was playing Joe Peplow.

Kieran Rollings and Dylan Morton contested B8 and the match lived up to the high standard we had come to expect.  Dylan crept into a five shot, the pressure increased from Kieran pulling back to draw level and then take a slender lead before finally winning 18-15.

The B7 final between old adversaries Steve Ireland and Bob Love lived up to expectations, level pegging for two-thirds of the game.  Bob, who had recovered some of his missing form, pressed and pressed with some excellent drawing.  Steve responded with superb bowls but Bob’s pressure was relentless creeping away to win 20-13.

Everyone was convinced that Paul had the B6’s title in the bag, but past World finalist Ray Smith, had other ideas he dominated from the off.  As their match was drawing to the close everyone realised that if Joe Peplow was to beat Steve Bigg then he would also be on 8 points. 

At the bell for the last end of Steve and Joe’s match, they were tied at 12-12, the umpire was called after all bowls had been delivered, to measure………Joe took shot by one-quarter of an inch, giving him a 13-12 win and tying the B6 Group, with Paul, on 8 points.  It was now down to Maggy Smith to calculate the shot difference.  To everyone’s surprise the shot difference was only one better and in favour of Joe, what a fantastic finish to a brilliant tournament, no one could have predicted such an ending.


DBE’s Director/Trustee, Shirley Hughes presented the trophies in conjunction with Mo Monkton.  Special thanks were given to Maggy Smith, Gedling IBC and all the helpers, their excellent support made the event run without a hitch.

National Classified Singles Champions 2019:  B6 – Joe Peplow;  B7 – Bob Love;  B8 – Kieran Rollings.

Finally, Maggy Smith announced that through the various raffles and the ‘Old Gits’ tour, they had raised £1000 and donated it to DBE.

Many thanks to everyone involved for making this Championship so special.

Photo story of the event, go to Gallery


DBE vs Gedling IBC Report

DBE vs Gedling IBC Report

For the first time since DBE had set Gedling IBC as their Headquarters the two groups held a bowls challenge against each other.

DBE were represented by Bob Love (Captain for the day), Rhys Taylor, Keith Haggerwood, John Rogers, Tim Swann, Maggy Smith, Colin Wagstaff, Jeff Crowe, Juli Crowe, Neil Smith, Pip Smith, Ray Smith, Colin Milner, Harry Atkin and Alice Atkin.

The match started cautiously with players from each side working hard to find their line and length in a very warm atmosphere.  By the refreshments break after nine ends Gedling were ahead 49-42.  Rejuvenated with tea/coffee, biscuits and cakes DBE start to  claw their way back and after  sixteen ends they lead 86-80.  Gedling had not given up fighting right up to the eighteenth and last with the matc ending 98-95 in v=favour of DBE.

Wellplayed everyone and many thanks to Gedling for their hospitality.

DBE National Indoor Pairs 2019

Disabity Bowl England Logo

The DBE National Indoor Pairs 2019 took place at a rather chilly Solihull Indoor Bowls Club, unfortunately their heating system had failed.  However, that did not deter 32 bowlers from putting on an excellent display of bowls with great enthusiasm.

The knockout Championship is based on 3 woods each, matches being 85 minutes long and preliminary round losers taking part in a Plate knockout competition.  This format guaranteed each team a minimum of two matches.

Preliminary round teams and opponents (winners in bold) comprised: 

Paul Hawkes & Gareth Harewood vs Harry Atkin & Fynn Kaiser
Sally-Anne Lewis & Colin Milner vs Craig Bowler & Joe Peplow
Helen Wood & Steve Angus vs Khalila Hussain & Ray Smith
Steve Smith & Alastair Domville vs Rhys Taylor & Ray Cross
Bob Love & Keiran Rollings vs Mac Otton & Gary Swift
John Rogers & Dylan Morton vs Mark Cooper & Tim Swann
Alex Comack & Steve Bigg vs Jonathan Stokes & Dave Fisher
Amey Brookes & Jeanette Maisie vs Val & Martin Groves

Plate Competition

Craig Bowler & Joe Peplow narrowly edged out Harry Atkin & Fynn Kaiser both squeasing out Steve Smith & Alastair Domville 9-7 in the semi-final.  Bob Love & Keiran Rollings dominated their way to the final beating Mark Cooper & Tim Swann and Alex Comack & Steve Bigg.  The Plate Final started as a tight affair but slowly the class of Bob Love & Keiran Rollings shone through beating Craig Bowler & Joe Peplow 14-7.

National Indoor Pairs Final Stages

Quarter Finals

Paul Hawkes & Gareth Harewood lost to Sally-Anne Lewis & Colin Milner
Helen Wood & Steve Angus beat Rhys Taylor & Ray Cross
Mac Otton & Gary Swift beat John Rogers & Dylan Morton
Jonathan Stokes & Dave Fisher 


Sally-Anne Lewis & Colin Milner narrowly beat Helen Wood & Steve Angus 11-9
Mac Otton & Gary Swift narrowly lost to Jonathan Stokes & Dave Fisher also 11-9


Yet another high standard game.  Sally-Anne and Jonathan displayed some fantastic drawing as leads.  After ten ends Jonathan and Dave lead 10-4 but Sally-Anne and Colin did not give up they were fight.  On the penultimate they picked up 1 shot, they now were 10-5 down.  The last end saw Sally-Anne give her team a 3-0 lead before the skips had their turn.  Colin drew his first in for a 4-0 lead, Dave played a controlled weight shot into the head and miraculously found a gap between shot and second wood, no change.  Colin narrowly missed adding another, Dave played with weight again, no change, Colin tried again and just fell short by inches.  Sally-Anne and Colin picked up 4 shots on the last end nearly forcing an extra end – a phenomenal last end.  Jonathan Stokes & Dave Fisher became 2019 Champions winning 10-9 and retaining their 2018 title.

Awards were made by DBE Chairman Paul Brown.

Action shots from the Championship:  National Pairs 2019

Thanks go to Solihull IBC for letting us use their Club and to organisers Maggy Smith & Mo Monkton

DBE vs Horsham & District IBC

DBE vs Horsham & District IBC

A second friendly match between DBE and Horsham & District IBC took place on Sunday 27th January.  Due to last minute changes reserves had to be called upon from members friends.  The squad comprised:  Steve Smith, Georgia Tucker, Chris Richards, Tony Richards, Stuart Read, Paul Stone, Clive Bennet, Phil Armstrong, Margaret Armstrong, Howard Joslin, Bob Henstridge, Colin Milner, Cliff Ainsworth, Jake, Thomas, Dylan & David Martin and Captain Steve Ireland.

The highlight of the day was our youngest  triples Jake lead, our youngest DBE member Thomas second and Dylan skip, ages 6, 8 & 11.  They won there rink with dad David Martin, I gave them top rink and they received chocolate bar each.

The game was played in good spirits and they have asked us back next year .

The final score was 80 DBE – 109 Horsham.

Three winning rinks – DBE, three winning rinks – Horsham so I said it was a draw LOL.

Report – Stephen Ireland