news &

Ann Trotman Singles Report 2019


The entries this year were terrific, I had to close the entry as there were more bowlers wanting to play than we could accommodate in two days play.

As this is not a DBE event it is open to any bowler with a disability, not just from England.  We had 4 bowlers from Scotland, 1 from Wales and 1 from the Isle of Man!  It all goes to making for an interesting competition.

The format for the event was 3 bowl singles, played in four groups round robin followed by a semi-final and final.

G – Craig Bowler; Alastair Domville; Fraser Mathiason; Melannie Innes; Ray Kirk & John Rogers

Y –  Blair Davidson; Bob Love; Pauline Wilson; Stephen Stockley; Ian Cole & Mark Cooper

B – Mike Robertson; Colin Milner; Joe Peplow; Jonathan Stokes; Danny Porter & Dylan Morton

PDave Fisher; Mac Otton; Mike Ashmole; Steve Biggs; Paul Hawkes & Alex Comack

The winner of the groups were as follows;

Green – John Rogers

Yellow – Blair Davidson

Blue – Joe Peplow

Pink – Steve Bigg

Although all of the group winners won all of their games, the results were very close, the last round match for two of the groups were deciding games. Pink group was particularly close it was a last end decider as to who went through to the semi’s.

One of the spectators was asked to draw the names ‘out of the hat’ as to who would play who in the semi-finals.

Semi Final 1 – John Rogers & Blair Davidson (Scotland)
Semi 2 – Joe Peplow v Steve Bigg

Both Semi’s were terrific games, neck and neck for most of the match. 

Up to the 20th end there was only 2 shots between John and Blair. Blair won the last 2 ends finishing 20 shots to 15.

Steve and Joes match was even closer, 14 all on the 15th end, Joe pulled in front to 17 – 14 on the 17th end.  Steve picked up a 2 on the next end but time was out, and the finishing score was 17 – 16 to Joe.

All four bowlers played so well and entertained the spectators.

On to the Final….Good game….Blair went in front to start then Joe got going and pulled back, but Blair got into his stride and pulled away leaving Joe too much to do in the time that was left, the final score 21 – 9 to Blair.

Winner – Blair Davidson (U25 Scottish International)

Blairs’ Friendship Cup

Quite a fitting end as this years trophy for the winner was a Celtic ‘Quaich’ otherwise known as a ‘Friendship Cup’.

Runners Up Trophy

Runner Up Joe Peplow

The games throughout the tournament were played in ‘good spirit’, the markers and helpers were fantastic as always at Gedling IBC. They worked tremendously hard as several of our regular helpers were ill with the awful ‘bug’ going around.

We all went home shattered but happy, a job well done!


DBE vs Carlton Enderby IBC

DBE vs Carlton Enderby IBC

DBE captain Colin Wagstaff and the DBE teams were greeted with a warm welcome from Carlton’s captain Ingrid Turner .
Rink 2 team – Chris Richards, John Harding (Carlton player on loan ) and skip Tony Richards 
Rink 3 team – Sally Koenig, David Stern, Mark Cooper
Rink 4 team – Keith Haggerwood, Rhys Taylor, Colin Wagstaff
Rink 5 team – Alice Atkin, Harry Atkin, Mickey Belcher
Level of play was quite even and the scores didn’t really reflect the level of play on each rink, every rink had some very good bowls.  At the half way point refreshments were provided tea and biscuits that were most welcome many thanks to Kirsty and Anthony Atkin.
DBE won one of the four and the overall score was Carlton IBC 64 – 49 
All in all a very pleasant friendly match was had by all.
Report by Sandra Groves

DBE National Indoor Non-Classified Singles Championship 2019

DBE National Indoor Non-Classified Singles Championship 2019

Gedling IBC 6th January 2019

This event is aimed at the DBE members who are not eligible or haven’t yet been classified.

The competition was run on a knockout format with the first-round losers going into a Plate competition.

Keith Haggerwood – Leics
Chris Gray – Northants
Joe Peplow – Worcs
Khalila Hussain – Wilts
Anthony Page – Somerset
Daniel Adams – Essex
Kenneth Taylor – Essex
Amy Brookes – Devon
Ray Kirk – Notts
Harry Atkin – Derbys
Martin Groom – Northants
Rhys Taylor – Leics

Originally there were 16 entries but due to illness the numbers dropped on the day to 12. Never the less it was a very competitive event with some terrific bowling and it was great to see some new faces amongst the competitors.

The getting into the National Singles final was Daniel Adams from Harlow, Essex along with Anthony Page from Somerset. It was a close game all the way through with some wonderful bowling from both competitors. Anthony coming out the winner by 19 shots to 13.

Daniel Adams
Anthony Page



Khalila Hussain won the Plate final playing Kenneth Taylor proving her award of ‘Most Improved Bowler 2018’ was well deserved!



Out of the four finalists, 3 were new faces, very exciting and a great start to the New Year.

Margaret Smith, Competition Sec.

2nd KDVSC Presidential Cup International Lawn Bowls Games, Suwon, Korea

Invitation to compete in the 2nd KDVSC Presidential Cup International Lawn Bowls Games, Suwon, South Korea

The organising committee of this event has invited players to be part of the lawn bowls event taking place in Korea from 30th June – 6th July 2019.

Attached is a copy of the General Information sheet + preliminary entry form.

Entry is open and at players own cost.  All classes in the competition will be combined.

Members of Disability Bowls England wishing to enter should register their  interest with the organising committee and for information only,  inform DBE Comp Secretary Maggy Smith.

General Information pdf:  2019 2ND KDVSC CUP

Entry form docx:  2019 2nd KDVSC Presidential Cup_preliminary entry form

DBE Volunteer County Co-ordinator Appointment

Disability Bowls England appoint their first Volunteer County Co-ordinator in the Sussex area.

Phil Armstrong based at the Peacehaven & Telscombe BC has accepted this exciting & challenging role with Disability Bowls England to promote bowls for people with disability in the Sussex area.

Phil has worked hard along with other officials at the club to promote and develop opportunities for players with any disability or impairment to join the sport of bowls. The club has achieved Sport England’s Clubmark and Bowls Disability Mark status which confirms they have the facilities and policies needed to run a successful, proactive, & inclusive club. The Club was also awarded Runners Up in Bowls England Club of the Year 2018 after being Regional finalists in 2017.

Phil will help clubs become inclusive, develop and oversee opportunities for people with disability to continue or start to play bowls as well as seek sponsors and partners to work alongside Disability Bowls England. Bob Henstridge, also a member at the Peacehaven Club was recently appointed an Ambassador for Disability Bowls England and along with other Ambassadors in the region will help Phil develop strong links with players and clubs in the Sussex area.

Interested clubs, coaches, people, volunteers, groups and partners can get in touch with Phil by emailing :

or DBE Development Manager Mo Monkton :

Jan 2019

DBE vs Leicestershire County U18’s

DBE vs Leicestershire County U18’s

Sunday 4th November

A warm welcome opened the match with the captain of DBE Colin Wagstaff presenting the captain of Leicestershire U18’s Alice Atkin with a pennant.
Rink 3 won their match 9-19, DBE had a secret weapon on their side in Harvey McDonnell player with Shaun Stubbs and Geoff Bennett.
Rink4 won their match 12-15 Ray Smith, Neil Smith and Pip Smith.
Rink 5 unfortunately lost by 2 shots 16-14 Mark Cooper, Rhys Taylor and Bob Love.
Rink 6 also lost their match 25-8 Harry Atkin, Keith Haggerwood and Colin Wagstaff, not the captains day.
There was some great bowls from the juniors, overall the U18’s won by 62-56, well played matches on both sides.  Tea and biscuits were served after the match welcomed by the bowlers, a great day was had by the bowlers and spectators.  Many thanks to Steve Haywood, Leicestershire County U18’s team manager.