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DBE v Rest of the North

DBE v The Rest of The North 2022

On Sunday 23rd January 2022 Stanley IBC in County Durham hosted the first ever Disability Bowls England v Rest of the North challenge… 16 DBE members from around the Country played against 16 players from 4 Clubs from the North East, South Shields Vipers, Gateshead IBC, West Denton IBC and Stanley IBC….

Players representing DBE
Jeff Crowe – Louth & District IBC
David Masterman – Redcar IBC
Ali Domville, Claire Domville & Rob Domville. – New Earswick IBC
Steven Nicholson, Barry Nicholson, David Nicolson & Marie Nicholson – Leeds IBC
Graham Patterson – Gateshead IBC
Gary Swift – Harrogate IBC
Steve Angus & Brett Arkley – Stanley IBC
Craig Dalton… Durham IBC
Diane Rogers & Bob Love – Tamworth IBC
Players Representing The Rest of the North…
Sandie Thompson, Brian Poulter, Keith Atkinson & Jimmy Talyor – Gateshead IBC
Ann Lennie, Karen Waites, Herbie Blacklock & Sheila Storey – West Denton IBC
Vicky Happer, Brenda Harper, Mick Baker & Paul Hart – South Shields Vipers
Ryan Henson, Benson Turnbull, Brenda Turnbull & Ann Baggett – Stanley IBC

The format for the event was 2 sessions of 1 rink of 4 bowl singles (2 Sets of 9 ends, 1 end tiebreak if needed), 3 rinks of 3 bowl pairs (2 Sets of 8 ends, 1 end tiebreak if needed), and 3 rinks 2 bowl triples (2 Sets of 8 ends with a 1 end tiebreak if needed). With 2 Points for a set win, 1 point each for a tied set and 1 point for tiebreak win. 
After some close games on session 1 the Rest of the North lead DBE by 20 points to 10 points… After the Buffet lunch a rejuvenated DBE came out strong and again showed their skill and by the end of the 2nd session the points were DBE 30 –30 Rest of the North…so ends won had to be counted and DBE won 108 ends with Rest of the North winning 114
Medals were presented to the winners Rest of the North and the runners up DBE..
The event was played in great spirit and new friendships were made…
Also in attendance was Richie Mckie from The Wrong Bias Podcast who live streamed on social media the singles and pairs (afternoon session) game which featured Bob Love v Brian Poulter…The 2nd session live stream featured Claire Domville and Steve Angus v Brenda & Benson Turnbull…
The live streams can be viewed on YouTube by searching for the Wrong Bias Podcast..

An enjoyable day was had by all, players are already looking forward to next year’s event which with be extended to a 2 day event which will be held on 21st and 22nd January 2023…

DBE Development Team will be returning to the North of England with a “Bowls with a Disability” Taster session and open competition on Saturday 26 March at Eden IBC Penrith, Cumbria everyone is welcome to come along and learn and try disability bowls.

Below are some quotes from members of The Rest of North Team

To be in the company of players from DBE is a humbling experience. Their determination to play sport is to be admired. We at West Denton felt very privileged to be in their presence. We wish you all the very best of luck in all you wish to achieve…. Ann Lennie…West Denton IBC

What a fantastic day & great experience – I loved it. Fantastic talent and level and of bowling all round. Very awe inspiring & inspirational and lovely to meet new people. I look forward to taking part in many more!… Vicky Happer.. South Shields Vipers

What an experience this was for me playing against Bob Love. Great bloke, and it just goes to show what can be achieved with these disabilities. Such accuracy bowling with his feet, unbelievable. Thanks Stevie Angus for the invitation…. Brian Poulter… Gateshead IBC

“Although The Rest of the North came out Victor’s”, it was an awesome experience playing members of Disability Bowls England. Their skill and determination to win justifies all the opportunities our sport should and can give. A great day was had by all. Congratulations to the organisers and Stanley IBC who hosted the event… Sheila Storey… West Denton IBC

It was a fantastic day played in a great friendly spirit, looking forward to the next one either as a player or spectator. The Wrong Bias live stream of the singles has created a lot of interest in the event at our club… Keith Atkinson….Gateshead IBC

A great day of bowls, excellent venue and superb hospitality from Stanley Bowls Club, Very high standard of bowls from the DBE Team…. Paul Hart… South Shields Vipers

Steve Watson (Chairperson DBE) said
I would like to thank Steve Angus and Stanley IBC for having the foresight for putting this event together to showcase to other clubs that our game of bowls is a sport for all and inclusive games and matches are the way forward for everyone to enjoy the sport we love. We are looking forward to returning to the Stanley IBC next year for a 2 day event and look forward to meeting old and making new friends.

We would also like to thank the Wrong Bias Podcast team for live streaming this day which has raised the profile of “Bowlers with a Disability” to a wider audience around the world.
A Sport For All!!

Steve Angus…Disability Bowls England
For more information visit –

Photos to be added shortly 

Ann Trotman Singles 2022

Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th January 2022 

There was a full entry of 24 bowlers for the event with bowlers coming from all parts of England and even 2 from Scotland. The competition has been running for approximately 20 years and is always well supported.
Bowlers were drawn into 4 groups of 6, played a round robin in their groups over 2 days with the winners of each group playing a semi final followed by a final. All games 1 hour 20minutes to the bell.
Semi – finals
Arthur Redfearn – Bridlington v Chris Grey – Kettering.
Bob Love – Tamworth v Kieran Rollings – Kettering.
The final
Chris Grey – 16 shots v Kieran Rollings – 20 shots
The bowling over the whole weekend was of a high standard and the final was exceptional.
It was great to see so many on the green again and to hear the banter.
A ‘BIG’ thankyou to the Gedling IBC member helpers, for marking, pushing wheelchairs, tea and coffee making and anything else they were asked to do. They too were ‘exceptional’.
Maggy Smith.


The Nomad Pairs

After the Nomads Charity disbanded they asked Disability Bowls England to take over the running of their annual disability pairs competition and gave a donation to help with the costs of running the event at Taunton Deane IBC.

Players came from all over the South West and included players from each disability group. 8 pairs were drawn into 2 groups of 4 playing each other, with the winners of each group competing in the final.

Volunteers from the disbanded Nomad Charity came along to help and along with Umpire Keith ensured the event ran smoothly.

son Yearling & Geoff Wherry & directors Paul Yearling & Sue Wherry culminating in a nail biting last end with the shot changing after every bowl. Alison & Geoff just managed to hold on to second bowl to win the match by 6 shots to 5 and pick up The Nomads Shield.

Representatives from the disbanded Nomads Charity presented the finalists & directors The Shield, along with trophies & medals.

Thanks go to all the competitors, families & volunteers who came along and to Taunton Deane IBC for hosting the event.

Such was the success that DBE intend to run it again next year and hope that even more players for the South West will enter and enjoy the camaraderie and competition.”


DBE v Preston IBC

Played our match at Preston IBC 19 Dec Bob Henstridge Sussex ambassador was in attendance.

We were warmly welcomed by Maureen Smalldrdge captain of the Preston Club today and started with a spider which made £24 for Disability Bowls England.

Members of the Preston Club Made us very welcome the match went well , disability Bowls England won the match 81 shots to 51 shots , everybody had a delightful time much camaraderie , laughter played in very good spirits.

We had four new members which were welcomed by all Disability players , they were Peter Hughes , Peter Avery ,Peter Cave and John Wren they all had a lovely time and can’t wait for the next match to be involved in .

Three winning rings and one draw what is the final result. 

Learning Disabilities Training Day

DBE bowlers with a Learning Disability enjoyed an informative and fun training session at Solihull IBC on 11th December. Team Manager Marie was pleased with the coaching session set up by John Rogers, who despite a broken arm planned and led a great day of bowling. DBE Secretary Sue, along with helpers Diane and Chris worked hard to ensure everyone had a great time.
So many smiles and laughter. What a great day. 

DBE Maiden Singles 2021

DBE Maiden Singles – Gedling IBC. 

Eight bowlers from all parts of England from Plymouth in the south to Bridlington in the north and several points in between, came together to compete in the Maiden Singles which is aimed at any member bowler who has NOT won a DBE singles event.
Bowlers were drawn into 2 groups, each competing in a round-robin of 3 matches followed by the winner of each group playing in the final.
It was great to see 3 new members had entered.
Colin Wagstaff from Lincoln won Group 1 , winning all 3 matches, gaining 6 points with Julie Deferville , Bristol , in 2nd place on 4 points.
Arthur Redfearn from Bridlington, Yorkshire won Group 2, also gaining 6 points after a close match with Adrian Mellows, Northants, who finished on 4 points.
The other competitors were Amy Brooks, Stephen Stockley, Alex Comack and John Hollowell.
The final was a very close fought match and great to watch. On the penultimate end the score was 15 shots all on 16 ends.
The final end concluded with a ‘nail biting’ measure, with Arthur’s bowl taking the shot by half an inch!
All of the games were played in good and fair spirit.
The Maiden Singles salver was presented to Arthur and photographs taken
‘Thank you’s’ were made to the brilliant Gedling helpers, who turn out every time so willingly, marking, pushing wheelchairs, making tea and coffee and generally making everyone feel ‘at home’.
All in all, a ‘Good Day’.
Maggy Smith