The DBE was established as a charity (number 1162133) in August 2015 with the charitable purposes and the object of improving the condition of life of people with disabilities and in the interests of social welfare, to facilitate their participation in the sport of bowls.
We receive no official funding from the Sport’s National Governing bodies and therefore we rely solely on fundraising and donations to enable us to enable to maintain the 4-year bowls cycle (World Championships 2020 to 2024) funding strategy, which identifies the necessity to generate the funds to cover core costs, voluntary expenses and build income levels to underpin the direct delivery of the expanding programme of activities and to enable our members to reach their own goals over a 4 year period with the support and guidance from our team of volunteers and International coaching team.
Fundraising is an important part of the day to day running for the DBE Charity Trust and helps deliver our objective to ensure our members can play & ejoy the sport of bowls – “A Sport for All”.
With no official funding from the sport’s National Governing Bodies and with the organisation growing at an extremely fast pace, every £ raised counts towards achieving our goals.
There are 1000s of well trusted fundraising ideas that work well, but the art of raising more funds is to think outside the box, to try something new & unique, and not target the same group of people time and again!
The Five stages of fundraising are:-
Inspire Others
Sponsored events are a good way to raise money. If you are entering a sporting event, such as a fun run or half marathon, taking on a personal sports challenge, wing walk or parachute jump etc. join our “DBE Buddies Team” and link with likeminded people to raise sponsorship funds together.
Sponsorship – Your or your organisation can benefit from an association with DBE, one of the fastest growing sports for people with a disability in England. There are various opportunities open to individuals, groups, or companies to support disability bowls which can be beneficial to all parties.
If you are undertaking a sponsored event, perhaps you have connections with a company or workplace who would “double your money”.
By promoting on our web site or sponsoring a specific competition or event, you can rely on receiving good publicity, opportunity for photo shoots, press, social media and website coverage along with space in any program or event poster.
DBE members in your area could attend functions, explain our mission and regular updates could be put on our web site showing events and money raised.
Companies Giving Schemes – our Company or workplace can nominate DBE as your “charity of the year” and raise funds through various company events. Or maybe your Company can provide a match funding scheme for monies raised.
Official Partners – Join forces and link with Disability Bowls England to share ideas and promotions. Insurers; bowls suppliers; bowls holidays; bowls kit & equipment suppliers; mobility equipment; specialised disability home care equipment + more can mutually benefit by becoming an official partner.
Sign up and make Disability Bowls England your charity of the year. It is a great way to involve fellow players in raising awareness and raising funds to support the work of Disability Bowls England.
Proceeds from draws, quizzes, fines collected during a club tour, umbrella matches, spiders etc… are all easy ways to help raise funds and bring members together. DBE members in your area could attend, explain our mission, and support an event, after which updates could be put on our web site with photographs and details of money raised.
If you have a fundraising idea, interested in sponsorship, wish to join our DBE Buddies team or would like to offer your services to help out our fundraising team, please email: